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to be in a fret

См. также в других словарях:

  • fret — [ frɛ(t) ] n. m. • XIIIe; néerl. vrecht 1 ♦ Prix du transport des marchandises par mer, et par ext. par air ou par route. ♢ Prix de location d un navire. ⇒ nolis. 2 ♦ Loc. À FRET : en louant le bâtiment servant au transport des marchandises.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Fret buzz — is one of the many undesirable phenomena that can occur on a guitar or similar stringed instrument. Fret buzz occurs when the vibrating part of one or more strings physically strikes the frets that are higher than the fretted note (or open note) …   Wikipedia

  • Fret — (fr[e^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fretted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Fretting}.] [OE. freten to eat, consume; AS. fretan, for foretan; pref. for + etan to eat; akin to D. vreten, OHG. frezzan, G. fressen, Sw. fr[ a]ta, Goth. fra itan. See {For}, and {Eat} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fret — Fret, n. 1. Ornamental work in relief, as carving or embossing. See {Fretwork}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) An ornament consisting of small fillets or slats intersecting each other or bent at right angles, as in classical designs, or at oblique… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fret saw — Fret Fret, n. 1. Ornamental work in relief, as carving or embossing. See {Fretwork}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arch.) An ornament consisting of small fillets or slats intersecting each other or bent at right angles, as in classical designs, or at… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fret — fret1 [fret] vt. fretted, fretting [ME freten < OE fretan, to devour, akin to Ger fressen, Goth fra itan < Gmc prefix * fra (OE for : see FOR ) + * itan, to eat (OE etan: see EAT)] 1. to eat away; gnaw 2. to wear away by gnawing, rubbing,… …   English World dictionary

  • Fret — Fret, n. 1. The agitation of the surface of a fluid by fermentation or other cause; a rippling on the surface of water. Addison. [1913 Webster] 2. Agitation of mind marked by complaint and impatience; disturbance of temper; irritation; as, he… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Fret (Homonymie) — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le Fret se rapporte au transport de marchandise. En physique, et appliquée en biologie moléculaire, l acronyme anglais FRET désigne le Transfert d énergie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • fret — Ⅰ. fret [1] ► VERB (fretted, fretting) 1) be constantly or visibly anxious. 2) gradually wear away by rubbing or gnawing. ► NOUN chiefly Brit. ▪ a state of anxiety. ORIGIN Old …   English terms dictionary

  • fret´ful|ness — fret|ful «FREHT fuhl», adjective. 1. ready to fret; peevish, unhappy, discontented, or worried: »My baby brother is fretful because he is cutting his teeth. SYNONYM(S): irritable. 2. agitated; seething: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • fret´ful|ly — fret|ful «FREHT fuhl», adjective. 1. ready to fret; peevish, unhappy, discontented, or worried: »My baby brother is fretful because he is cutting his teeth. SYNONYM(S): irritable. 2. agitated; seething: » …   Useful english dictionary

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